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The Chicago Fire Department
The Chicago Fire Department is a great addition to this clan
Because their paramedics save lives every single day in liberty city,the firefighters,they fight fire's when they need to.
What can they do and don't do.
Firefighters and paramedics are allowed to respond to:
Fallen person
Biting incidents
Structure fire
Vehicle fire
Shootouts (after the area is secured by CPD)
People under the influence of alcohol or drugs(assisted by CPD)
and there is a long list to go with.
If you decide to apply for the CFD
you will get candidate status,specialized in EMS or in Fire
But you will be trained in both.
This means as a Firefighter you know basic EMS and as paramedic you know the basics of Firefighting.
Got interested? feel free to watch our education movies on youtube tab and Apply!
Want more information?
feel free to contact us at chicago.gta4@gmail.com or visit our forums!
Kind Regards
The Commanding Officers of Chicago Emergency Services- Roleplay