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Communication Division
Without this division or rather said these people,there is no organization on communication.
We need dispatchers to give us our calls,to send back-up when necessary to communicate.
They are also in control of the radio traffic, so if some things get out of hand, they are responsible for a good flow in the communication.
Currently the communication division has only 1 dispatch director, which is our very own Cypher.
You can get to know more about Cypher at Commanding Officers tab on the website.
If you don't have GTA IV, But still want to be involved in the clan, feel free to sign up as a Dispatcher.
Never done it? No worries, our instructors will make sure that you are ready for the deal !
You have GTA IV ? and you want to be in game as well but you have interst in Dispatch?
Our dispatchers are allowed to go in non-serious and semi-serious games (if there is atleast one dispatcher extra)
Want to have more information ?
Feel free to contact us at
or look at our forums.
Kind Regards
Commanding Officers of the Chicago Emergency Services-Roleplay